Who is truly more valued in the gaming industry, Xbox or PlayStation? |
Today thousands of people all ask the question Xbox or PlayStation". This article will look at each of these consoles, naming their qualities and flaws to try to decide which is the best gaming console around. We start off firstly with the PlayStation 1, which was first onto the scene
PlayStation - Released 3rd December 1994
Sony PlayStation |
Designed by Sony. It was released December 3rd 1994 just in time for the Christmas Rush. This new console was not without controversy however. The history of the PlayStation begins in 1988 when Sony and Nintendo were working together to develop the Super Disc which was going to be a CD-ROM attachment for Nintendo's soon to be released Super Nintendo game.
However, Sony and Nintendo parted ways business-wise and the Super Disc was never introduced or used by Nintendo. However Sony didn't want all their work to go to waste and in 1991, Sony used a modified version of the Super Disk as part of a new game console, the Sony PlayStation.
- Improved Graphics.
- New to the market.
- Already had a huge fan base.
- Until PlayStation Cartridges were used, PlayStation brought round the disc format to playing games.
- Its highly overpriced.
- Freezing and crashing became a problem.
- Scratched discs wouldn't work in the PlayStation.
- Disc were very easily scratched.
- Overheated easily.
PlayStation 2 - Released 4th March 2000
Then 6 years later the PlayStation 2 was born. March 4th 2000 began the new era of games and when this was released there was also other talks of a new console being brought out but not by Sony. Even a smaller lighter version of the PlayStation 2 was brought out called the "PlayStation Slim",(as seen on the right side of the image) The PlayStation 2 went on to become the best-selling video game console in history, selling over 155 million units.
Even with the PlayStation 3 release, the PlayStation 2 remained popular well into the seventh generation and continued to be produced until January 4, 2013, when Sony finally announced that the PlayStation 2 had been discontinued after 12 years of production – one of the longest runs for a video game console.
(Left) PlayStation 2 (Right) PlayStation Slim |
- Sleek
- Game genres and production of games increased. So more games to play
- DVD movie playback function.
- Still waiting for hard drive peripheral,
- Xbox came along with superior graphics and stole limelight.
- Only two controller ports, Xbox had 4
Xbox - Released 15th November 2001
Finally on the 15th November 2001, The first installment of the Xbox came into play, designed by Microsoft, this almost stole the limelight from the only recently new PlayStation 2. This console had high intentions of bettering Sony with 4 controller slots, Better graphics card and higher memory Capacity. By May 2006 it reached selling over 24 million units.
Microsoft Xbox |
- 4 controller slots
- Higher memory Capacity
- Better Graphics Card
- Had the advantage of being a new model so this caught peoples eye.
- Overheated highly
- Was a lot bigger and heavier then the PlayStation
- PlayStation 2 fans weren't keen on change so most stuck by the PlayStation.
- The laser wasn't as powerful and didn't last long.
Xbox 360 - Released 22nd November 2005
We reach the Xbox 360 which was finally released after many months of waiting on the 22nd of November 2005. With new and improved Online functions (Xbox Live) and better graphics and improved game play. The Xbox was really starting to make Sony look bad, seeing as the last console they released was back in March 2000.
When the 360 was released we did hear an announcement about a newer console being developed by Sony and to be expect within a years time. The Xbox 360 surprisingly was announced by MTV which was great Publicity for Microsoft. and by October 2013 they sold 80 million units!
(Left) Microsoft Xbox 360, (Right) Microsoft Xbox Elite |
- Newer versions were brought out as seen in this image (Left Xbox 360, Right Xbox Elite)
- Sold more units then expected
- Grew a huge fan base
- Improved fan to prevent crashing
- Improved graphics
- Wireless remotes
- A new problem developed for the Xbox which was even given a name called "The Red Ring", when this happens the Xbox is unplayable.
- Overheated easily.
- The red ring issue was becoming increasingly common and this put people off buying an Xbox.
- Constant updates for the system took game play time away and frustrated user.
PlayStation 3 - Released 11th November 2006
PlayStation Knew they were under threat with the Xbox and by November 11th 2006, there answer back to the Xbox 360 was the new and reformed PlayStation 3. This console took a huge leap in technology as it was the first console to use Blu-Ray disc as its primary storage medium. Also with is unified online gaming service the PlayStation 3 in my opinion hit the home run. They also released once again a PlayStation Slim.
Sony PlayStation 3 |
- Improved graphics
- Superior Online gaming
- Blu-ray disc function
- HD functions HDMI cable for improved graphics again.
- Wireless remotes
- Highly overpriced
- Blu-ray laser wasn't great and needed to be fixed.
- Some people say PlayStation 3 had worse graphics then the Xbox 360, but this is just opinion and many other support the PlayStation graphics too.
PlayStation 4 - Released 15th November 2013
Probably the most anticipated console and this console came out with the 15th November 2013 with a lot of rivalry involved because this was the first time both Xbox and PlayStation were released so close together, just before the Christmas sales but there was war going on between these two companies (Sony and Microsoft) Both companies were trying to better each other in every way possible, Graphically, Design wise, Memory Capacity and even fan base.
Sony PlayStation 4 |
- Extremely improved graphics
- Online gaming refined
- New functions on the remote control
- Nice design.
- Extension's build specifically for the PlayStation 4 e.g. Camera, Docking stations and many more.
- There has been reports of the PlayStation 4 freezing often while just in the "Menu" screen.
Xbox One - Released 22nd November 2013
The Xbox One, released literally 7 days later then the PlayStation. The tensions between the two companies have never been higher, i could only imagine what the future holds for these two companies in constant conflict. i honestly cant judge which has better functions and which experience is better i want to leave that to you entirely. I will note and point out that the PlayStation is 100 euro cheaper then the Xbox One this might be encouraging more people to convert to PlayStation.
Microsoft Xbox One |
- Improved Graphics
- Higher capacity
- New remote control
- Refined online gaming experience
- Add-on's with the Xbox One package e.g. Headset, Keyboard for control etc.
- If you wanted to use, Netflix or even any online service the user would need to have a Gold Membership just to use the internet on there Xbox.
- The first week the Xbox One was released the updates for it crashed the Xbox leaving it temporarily unusable.
- Downloads and updates when first plugged in took over 10 hours or longer just to play 1 game.
The Verdict:
In conclusion, It's really up to the gamer him/herself to decide which is more fitting because even today fans are sticking by there consoles no matter what upgrades may come for the opposing maker (Sony or Microsoft) One can argue but there really is no superior gaming console, the graphics and game play will forever advance but I sense this rivalry will continue for some time too.