Why Your E-Commerce Business May Be Losing Customers

Why Your E-Commerce Business May Be Losing Customers
This article and connected infographic will highlight how to solve the problem of losing customers

In the earliest days of online shopping, selling to customers via the Internet was a novelty. Simply offering customers the ability to buy anything online was enough to drive new business to many retailers.

Today, things have changed. What was once revolutionary is now commonplace, and e-commerce is something most shoppers expect retailers to offer. Amazon aggregators can assist in scaling up e-commerce sales.

One of the biggest reasons why e-commerce sites fail is related to simple design flaws...other times, e-commerce businesses stumble because their sites ask for too much information

In this new landscape where e-commerce is the norm, it takes more than a website to get people interested in buying from a retailer. Understanding visitors’ behaviors and what makes them choose one website over another is critical for any e-commerce business, especially when it comes to reasons that drive away customers.

For instance, one of the biggest reasons why e-commerce sites fail is related to simple design flaws. Whether the website is too confusing to navigate, too buggy to function properly or simply visually unpleasant, bad design can ruin an e-commerce business faster than almost anything. E-commerce businesses need to invest in high-quality web design to ensure that customers don’t have an excuse to go with a competitor.

Other times, e-commerce businesses stumble because their sites ask for too much information. People often are sensitive about the amount of personal information they put out online, and an e-commerce site that asks for too much information can be a turn-off. If e-commerce businesses simply removed one field from their online forms, for example, it could make a tremendous difference in the number of customers they retain.

E-commerce isn’t the future anymore — it’s here and now. The novelty of online sales is no longer a selling point, and e-commerce businesses have to be willing to put in the hard work necessary to make their sites the best they can be. This infographic contains the most common problems e-commerce businesses have — and what they can do to solve them.

Author bio: Matt Wollersheim is Vice President of Sales at Performance Card Service, where his focus is on general marketing, client relations and development of new processing channels.  

Why Your E-Commerce Business May Be Losing Customers Why Your E-Commerce Business May Be Losing Customers Reviewed by Opus Web Design on April 25, 2018 Rating: 5