7 Things that Online Course Students Usually Ignore When Preparing for Exams
There are many things that you can do to prepare for an exam. These things include studying, reading your notes, and taking practice exams. However, there are also some other things that you should do to prepare yourself for an exam that may be more effective than others. This article will go over a few things you can do to prepare for your online course exams in a way that will help ensure you get the best results possible.
Sleep is Important
Sleep is essential to a healthy lifestyle and vital to your success if you're pursuing online studies. According to a report, people who sleep less than 7 hours are at 26% higher risk of developing obesity than those slept more than 7 hours at night. Sleep helps you focus, concentrate and retain information.
If you're sleep deprived, your brain struggles to retain information effectively. It's also essential for your brain to recover from the day's stresses to be ready for the next day. Unfortunately, many students neglect their sleep needs by staying up late doing work or catching up on social media. It ultimately results in them feeling less than rested when they wake up.
Now, what does this mean? Getting enough sleep will help keep you happy throughout your online degree experience.
Understand the Exam Format
If you want to do well on your exam, you must understand the exam format. In this case, that means knowing how many questions there are and how long it will take to complete them. You should also know what kind of grading system your professor uses and what percentage of your overall grade each question is worth. For example, if one question carries 10% of your grade and another carries 90%, you should spend more time on the latter than the former.
Take Help from Online Study Resources
Many online resources can help you prepare for your exams; online study communities are one of them. They connect you with other students who are also preparing for their exams. You can read their stories and ask them questions to get some insight into what's going on in their lives.
Online study tools like practice tests and eBooks are other online study resources. These tools allow students to gauge their understanding of a particular subject by providing them with sample questions based on existing exam questions. Students can then use these answers as reference points when writing their essays or answering test questions at the end of an exam period.
If you're an online course student, you know how hard it can be to stay on top of your studies. There are so many things you need to remember, and there's no one there to help you.
However, if you are a Biology student, there's good news. SweetStudy's biology helper can help you prepare for your exams and ensure you get the grades you deserve. They have all the information you need about the test in one place, and it's all organized so that it's easy for you to find it when you need it most.
Be Realistic and Set Achievable Goals
According to Reliable Plant, only 20% of people bother to set goals for themselves. At the same time, only 30% of these goals are actually achieved. That means only 6% of people succeed with their set goals. These numbers can be disheartening. But the actual reason behind them is that people do not have a realistic approach when they set goals and targets.
You need to understand that not every goal is realistic. Therefore, it's necessary to set goals that will challenge you but still be achievable. You also want to consider how far away the goal is and how vague or specific it is.
If your goal is too low, it will be easy for you to reach and won't provide much of a challenge. On the other hand, if your goal is too high, then it may take longer than expected and cause frustration when trying to reach what seems like an unreachable target.
The best types of goals are challenging yet realistic enough to achieve success within a reasonable time.
Make Study Guides
A study guide is a useful tool for studying and preparing for exams. It summarizes your course's main points, including important dates and deadlines, exam formats, scoring scales, and more.
You should also make a study schedule that hits the key points of each chapter early on so you can focus on more in-depth material later in the term.
Finally, take help from online study resources such as online practice tests or quizzes; they'll give you an idea of how well you have prepared.
Write Your Notes
Creating your notes is probably the most crucial part of preparing for an exam, and yet it's something that most students don't do. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of learning new things that you forget about this vital step. Even if you're using a textbook or other resource to study, take the time to write down key points and concepts as they come up. If nothing else, having a visual representation of what you've been learning will help cement it in your memory.
A survey by McGill University in 2019 revealed that 96% of full-time students take notes when they attend classes in person. However, this number drastically drops to 49% when students take online classes. Taking notes is as important when studying online or in person in class. It is where a majority of online students fall behind on grades.
Make sure you are writing down your notes too. 'Borrowed' notes often contain errors, which can be difficult to spot when taking exams. In addition, you'll need to understand how your exam will work before fully understanding what content you need to focus on for your knowledge base to be broad enough.
Make a Schedule
You have to make a schedule before you start your exam preparation. You should take the time to plan out when you're going to study and how long each session will be.
You need to decide what subject areas will receive more attention than others, where your strengths are, and which areas need more work. You should also consider any test preparation materials you might want or need and plan accordingly.
A good schedule includes study time and breaks; it doesn't include cramming. It is recommendable to set aside at least 1-2 hours per day for studying, plus another hour or two each weekend. Regarding exams, try not to cram right before an exam. Your brain needs some time to process information.
Students Need to Handle Online Courses in a Different Way than a Traditional Class
Online students are often expected to do more work than their traditional classroom counterparts. It can be a good thing, as it forces you to learn how to be more self-reliant and efficient in your studies. However, it can also be bad if you're not prepared for the extra workload.
Because online courses require more independence than traditional ones, they require more discipline on behalf of the student and organization skills. You'll need to set aside time each day specifically devoted to studying. It is necessary if your schedule doesn't allow much flexibility regarding classes or work commitments outside school hours.