A Curated List of Proactive Measures for Asset and Property Protection

You can hardly come across a country where the crime rate (when it comes to home burglary) is relatively low. These countries do exist, but unfortunately, they are rare gems. Even out there you can never feel one hundred percent sure.

According to different reports, these sorts of crimes are pretty common in various parts of the world, and they oftentimes happen when no one is at home. So does it mean that you’re never supposed to leave your home?

Most definitely not. Fortunately, these modern times come with a variety of different innovative solutions that homeowners can implement to ensure that even the most experienced burglars are kept at bay! So let’s uncover them below!

Alarm System Is Always A Fantastic Idea!

If you’re considering having an alarm system, well, it’s safe to say you’re definitely not the only one. On the contrary. A vast majority of homeowners (referring to the millions of people) decide to install this type of security system each year.

What makes it so popular among people? According to the security connoisseurs at Clearway, thieves normally steer clear of properties that have home alarm systems because they’re scared of being caught. That’s precisely why they mostly target houses that do not have them.

Another massive advantage of modern home alarms is the fact that they allow you to have remote access, meaning that you can gain access to your home (and everything that's occurring inside and outside) from anywhere.

All you need to have is a device that has internet access, such as a cellphone, laptop, tablet, and others and you'll get the chance to view the surveillance video. Also, you'll be able to control different home systems from practically any location, locking and unlocking your doors if necessary.

Curtains Are Also A Good Idea!

As stated in the beginning, most burglars will enter your property if they notice that no one's at home. However, if you put curtains, you will, in a way, obscure their view, which means that they won't have a clue if somebody is really inside or not.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you should only opt for curtains. Anything that’s capable of blocking their view is okay. This is particularly important to do during the festive season, like Christmas or Easter because a vast majority of thieves are very active during that period of time.

Another mistake that a plethora of homeowners make when it comes to the festive season is that when they obtain something new, such as a big TV, they tend to put the empty box outside to showcase just what they recently acquired.

This is a huge mistake because it’s practically an invitation to your house and letting them know that you currently have brand-new items that aren’t cheap.

Let’s Not Forget Front Doors

Your front door is something that most intruders will notice and focus on, once they decide to barge into the space you live in. Don’t forget that oftentimes (when they are ready to commit the crime) they may even knock on your doors just to be sure whether you’re at home or not.

If they conclude that no one’s home, then they will definitely work on different strategies that will allow them to enter it. If you want to make things more difficult for them, then you should take the necessary steps to ensure that your front door is properly secured. 

If you've never done this before, then you can always talk to a knowledgeable and skilled locksmith to see what type of lock is the best for these purposes. Why does this matter? Well, that's because there are specific types of locks that can easily be opened even by inexperienced thieves.

For the time being, one of the best solutions as far as this is concerned is five-lever mortise locks which are extremely popular among homeowners. In addition, if you put a post catcher behind the letterbox, that's going to deter a crook from trying to reach the letterbox in order to open your door from the inside.

Another thing that you can do, that's also very effective is to place a "Neighborhood Watch" sticker on your doors which will let the intruders know that they are being watched by your neighbors. This just might prevent them from barging in.

You Should Set Up A Security System Too!

It doesn’t matter if your house is new, or not, the truth is that every household should be equipped with a solid security system. There are two options at your disposal when it comes to this. 

You can either opt for a DIY system, which is pretty basic, or you can opt for something that provides a lot more security, such as the one that contains home automation features and top-notch monitoring.

Whatever you decide, it’s worth mentioning that anyone can afford these sorts of systems because the market offers even the ones that are cost-effective. How can you determine which one is most suitable for your home and your overall needs?

For starters, it would be wise to properly inspect your neighborhood to see what are the risks in terms of burglaries. Another thing that you can do is to contact the police department to help you select a home security that’s ideal for the space you live in.

Hide Brooms And Mops

This may sound like a weird suggestion, but if you listen carefully, you'll quickly realize that it's actually very reasonable. Namely, thieves that were questioned to provide details and strategies they use when they want to enter someone's house revealed that they will often put brooms or mops beneath the front door knobs while they are searching for things to steal so they can hear if someone is trying to open the door.

If they notice that the broom or mop is moving, they'll immediately try to escape. Another method that crooks are employing to protect themselves properly (when they are in your home) is to drop the catch on the front door so that your key no longer fits in it.

Consider Having A Dog

Having a dog is generally a great idea and surely beneficial in many ways. Dogs aren’t just great companions and devoted pets, but phenomenal protectors as well. Therefore, you should definitely consider them as a great part of your established security system.

Now, when it comes to this, you need to keep one thing in mind and that is that not every canine is good for these purposes. There are dogs that are solely intended to be pets that you’ll love and play with. 

These are normally golden retrievers, Labradors, and many others. No matter how wonderful they are as pets, they can never be turned into guard dogs. On the flip side, you have breeds such as rottweilers, German shepherds, and Dobermans that are ideal for these purposes.

However, just like any other breed you need to train them properly if you want to ensure they are going to safeguard you and your house. In these instances, it would be best if you hired a skilled dog trainer to teach your fur buddy how he’s supposed to behave in these types of situations.

Do Not Focus Solely On The Front Of Your Property

Even though it's of huge importance to properly secure your front door, don't forget that it's not the only area of your house that burglars will focus on. In most instances, if they notice that your front door is secured the right way, they'll move on to the side gates.

That's exactly why it's essential to make sure that these gates are equally as secured as your front door. Be sure to keep high hedges cut back to enhance the natural surveillance, and also you should make sure that the walls and fences are in relatively good condition to make things more challenging in case the intruder decides to break in.

Another aspect of your property (which is sadly oftentimes overlooked) is your garage. A lot of people are convinced that burglars aren’t interested in them. But what they fail to realize is that they are in fact, very tempting to the crooks because they are aware of the fact that a lot of them contain a lot of items that are very valuable and expensive.

Lighting, Lighting, Lighting

When we say lighting, it doesn't refer solely to the inside lighting, but to the outside too. Outside lighting is particularly important. Why is that? Well, that's because it makes the invaders a lot more visible, which is one of the main reasons why a vast majority of them avoid houses that have top-quality outside lighting.

For example, you can buy an infrared motion sensor light which immediately turns on whenever it notices there's a movement in front of your house.

There’s nothing more important than feeling safe in the space you live in. At the end of the day, if your home isn’t your shelter, then what can you expect from other places? If you also prioritize safety, then you should implement some of the tips above.

A Curated List of Proactive Measures for Asset and Property Protection A Curated List of Proactive Measures for Asset and Property Protection Reviewed by Opus Web Design on May 26, 2024 Rating: 5

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