UE4 FPS Tutorial Series

UE4 FPS Tutorial Series

This series aims to guide you through the process of creating a first person shooter game using 10 specifically created tutorials, each focusing on a different aspect of designing and creating the game. The series and the game itself, available for download here, was created by Patrick McGahern, Sarah McKenna, Arturs Ozolins, Jamie Toye-Mohan and Mark Smith.


In this tutorial series we are going to show you how to create a FPS Game...

Level Landscape

Use the terrain editor to create the level landscape for your FPS game...

Textures & Materials

Download, edit, upload textures and create custom materials for your level...

BSP & Geometry

Use BSP brushes and geometry mode to create custom buildings for your game...


Create pickups such as health and ammo for your FPS game.

Static Meshes

Static Meshes are 3d models used in games. Use unique models to enhance...

Characters & Animations

Source, upload and customise characters for your FPS game...

Enemy AI

Create smart enemies which can chase and attack your character...

Game Menu

Use UE4 widget blueprint UIs to create and program the menu screen...

Series Round Up

The series finale provides around up of key features and a copy of the game to download.
UE4 FPS Tutorial Series UE4 FPS Tutorial Series Reviewed by Opus Web Design on July 27, 2016 Rating: 5